We’ve managed 8 weeks of staying at home, home-schooling and working from home.
I know that many parents are also experiencing the same challenge; from juggling work commitments and objectives to also ensuring their children's expectations are met. Its not an easy road, so hats off to you all – you are succeeding!
Today, I’m reflecting on the positives to motivate us to keep going for the next few weeks or months in the same manner.
My son’s school has been amazing in sharing schoolwork digitally to help keep us on track
How have you found the journey so far? I’d love to hear what’s worked or not, for you. Let’s share tips with each other so we can help each other.
Remote Workforce
Often employees seek feedback and reassurance. Rarely does it happen the other way round, for employees to give appraisal to their employers!
The SLT at PromptVoice have been incredibly agile and supportive in these difficult circumstances, that all businesses are facing. Showing trust and gratitude to the workforce; from flexible working hours, managing the ‘bottom line’ so carefully that our futures may remain stable, to regular weekly social events through Zoom to ensure we have friendly adult interactions. They are continually thinking about the staff’s health and wellbeing, looking at ways to change operations within the Hampshire office headquarters for the long road ahead.
Kudos is rightly deserved for Anthony Buxton, Estelle Simmons and Kevin O’Connor. Thank you for steering everyone at PromptVoice through the COVID-19 storm, I look forward to seeing you for a Company lunch once we’re safely back on dry shores.
It is a positive step that businesses continue to show trust and flexibility to their employees - staff retention can only improve as employees look for a balance to their home and work life.
What lies ahead?
Many companies are set to continue homeworking since being asked to embrace it due to COVID-19. The future of offices will dynamically change; with more businesses introducing home and flexible working policies as the social restrictions are eased. Businesses can confidently embrace these new ways as the telecoms industry collaboration tools robustly support remote workers in achieving their goals and finding new customer opportunities. The office is no longer a place where customer services or technical support have to solely operate.
PromptVoice can help!
Having the right voice solution, IVR structure and on-hold messaging allows businesses to successfully navigate callers through their journey to speak to the right agent, department or account manager, so they can be serviced just as well as before COVID-19 and without the need for 100% office based staff.
PromptVoice helps thousands of businesses in creating their own bespoke IVRs and on-hold messaging through easy to use, secure portals. Visit us at promptvoice.com to see how we can support you or email laura.maddocks@promptvoice.com
Thanks for reading, stay safe, stay sane!
Laura Maddocks
Channel Manager