Until now, freemium business models have not been widely used in the telecoms channel, especially for audio recordings, and yet it’s a powerful model proven to be successful in so many other industries.
In the past few years, the channel has seen the development of a huge range of portals. Some that facilitate VoIP services, some that enable quick and easy provisioning of a plethora of complex communications systems, or even marketplaces that allow end users to buy a selection of add-on services from third parties that directly integrate with their UC system.
What we offer is radically different. Our portal enables a service that is always profitable to the reseller, without financial risk, and offers a self-service end user solution that remains unrivalled in both quality and functionality.
Our Freemium model offers everything you’d expect to see from a classic Freemium proposition – the ability to give all customers access to basic functionality, free of charge, and then upgrade them through the paid subscription packages that generate healthy incremental margin increases.
Inbuilt smart upgrade paths trigger customers to initiate their own upgrades and gain access to more advanced functionality, whilst resellers sit back and watch their revenue streams grow, unleashing a whole new level of scalability – and easy margin growth.
The freemium proposition has new, simplified pricing, as well as two entirely new packages. The simplifications give resellers and end users access to more functionality as standard, and enhanced service quality guarantees. And with two new plans, there’s a PromptVoice subscription available to suit any type of end customer – from micro-SME to the largest enterprise.
A unique channel offering
With the move to cloud-based telephony, PromptVoice saw the need to completely re-invent the way prompts, in-queue and on-hold audio are delivered into a channel first proposition.
Historically, providing these services was a lot of hassle, and rarely produced more than minimal return for resellers. Viably supporting end users with professional, instant recordings at a low price point, with light-touch administration has not previously been achievable. Crucially, PromptVoice negates this.
PromptVoice is specifically designed to enable resellers to scoop up the margin they’ve previously left behind when providing UC solutions without professional audio recordings. PromptVoice is compatible with any telephony platform through its innovative audio streaming capability and download files, so opens up new recurring revenue streams for everyone in channel.
So what makes PromptVoice the best?
Over the past 12 months our teams have worked relentlessly to ensure we consistently provide a best-in-class service that drives recurring revenues for our channel partners, and requires minimal administration. In the last 12 months we have introduced:
New portal functionality:
Enhanced partner marketing services:
A radical new solution
So why has PromptVoice just won the prestigious Best Channel Portal Award at the Comms National Awards?
There is one very important reason. Although channel technologies such as VoIP and other UC tools have been rapidly developing in the past five years - partly propelled by the looming 2025 ISDN switch off – in-queue and on-hold audio has remained largely undeveloped in the last 25 years.
There are other suppliers of in-queue and on-hold audio, but PromptVoice’s proposition stood out as being truly something creative, innovative and disruptive, a fundamentally new approach that invigorates an often-forgotten component of the telephony solutions the telecoms channel provides.
We'd love to talk to you about how PromptVoice works with your existing telephony portfolio. Learn more, or get in touch today!